Monday 20 October 2008

TechCrunch Posting

Our Chief Technical Officer Michael has referenced us in a Techcrunch feature on Google Adwords. I've just spent 10 minutes reading the whole dialogue and blimey I felt a bit 0.0 rather than 2.0. It's like walking into a completely new world of assumed knowledge. I thought I was paying attention and keeping up with things in general - importance of the interbank lending rate, impact of lowered growth rate of China, CFD's etc etc. But somehow that's simply not enough. I've got to get my brain around Google trickery over affiliate landing pages, or something like that. Think I'm going to stick my head in a bucket of red wine and then re-emerge, refreshed and ready to get all 2.0 again.

The annoying thing was Michael stuck a bloody great image from our wonderful new site up on Techcrunch, but it didn't shift them out of tech mode for a moment. Not a blink of interest in golf. I think they need to get out more - a few hours on a golf course would help them out of their general bunkers and silos.


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