Wednesday 24 December 2008

And not a mouse stirred

Yes, it's now officially Christmas Eve, and it's time to down tools for 48 hours and listen to some carols, eat mince pies and play with my new online putting, no, no. That will have to wait til I get back in the office and I'm now going to go into golf rehab for the next two days. But what if I get a Sky Caddie? Will I be able to stay in and just admire it? Or will I have to get out and give it a go? Now that could be a tricky one. Will probably have to fill my boots with whisky and a bit of port, and render myself generally imobile on the couch. Need a little rest as our Chairman has signed me up to run a 10km in Feb. I think he's trying to tell me something.

Over and out and back before the New Year runs away with itself.


Monday 8 December 2008

Down on the farm

Another day on the farm that is . When I say farm, I mean that in the nicest possible way. We're more organic and one onion at a time - not some sprawling tract of land out in East Anglia. But we are only at the begining of the growing cycle. Just planting the seeds, and putting down the fertiliser, so to speak. Anyway, enough of my arable parables. What's really been going on is that we've been getting heads round natural search optimization, key search terms, and PPC.

I'm in severe danger of turning into an SEO head - search engine optimization that is. But we have to let the world know we exist and care, so all these stones have to be looked under and thoroughly examined. Otherwise we'll just be talking to ourselves and what would be the point of that?

Right, that's quite enough of this random entry.


Sunday 7 December 2008

Demise of the Western World

Well, it's a bit of a pity that the whole of the western world is falling into rack and ruin. I almost agreed with Jeremy Clarkson for the first time - he was predicting doom and gloom on Radio 2 the other day, and for once was probably right. But that's as far as I will come to agreeing with his world view. He's really the Daily Mail in disguise. But here at life goes on - lots of work going on with the website, new content springing up everywhere. What's not to like.


Friday 5 December 2008

First Outage

Well crisis struck - the f****** site went down for a few hours. The CTO was in the pub - Friday night so fair play - but being a trooper he got it sorted and I was able to get on with my evening - making improvements on the site, or rather recommendations. Can't do the proper tech stuff yet. I have such an exciting life. I think I'm in danger of becoming a tech head. Well, that might be pushing it. In fact our CTO would belly laugh at the very suggestion. But here at we will not be detered by such matters. We will golf and we will generally prevail, even though the western world has decided to have a bit of melt down. But our Gordon will sort us all out -

Will linking to Downing Street scupper us, or is it an amazing move that will build us an audience of frustrated golfers operating within Whitehall. Only time will tell.

Right, better get on with it.
